How to nail the TOEFL (in two weeks)!
Well, this is the first time that I have been demanded to write an article about something. So a new personal best for this rather boring blog. I recently gave the TOEFL and was pretty much shocked to see my scores. Here they are: Reading: 30/30 Listening: 30/30 Speaking: 24/30 Writing: 30/30 Total: 114/120 (^Dedicated to all the English teachers who criticized me until I was convinced I suck at English!) Without wasting much time, let's get to the point! First of all, let me make it clear that TOEFL is easy as well as difficult at the same time. The questions certainly won't make anyone sweat but there are other factors in these test that you need to tackle. Also, deciding a target score for TOEFL is very difficult despite the fact that TOEFL scores don't matter that much for selection process. Preparation: You're done with your GRE, prepare for TOEFL in a completely relaxed manner. No need to go savage here. Though don't extend the date beyond thre...